The Company

Founded in 1999, IA Industria Ambiente S.r.l. provides consultancy services in the field of industrial chemistry, ecology and environmental science (site assessment and remediation, risk assessment, wastewater treatment, waste management, hazardous substances management – REACh Regulation).

IA Industria Ambiente offers consulting/projecting services (including supervision) but does not usually participate in the execution of the projected works.

Having no direct interest in the execution of the projected works, or selling a specific “solution”, we are able to provide top of the market consultancy services targeted to keep costs incurred by our clients as low as possible.

I.A. Industria Ambiente S.r.l.  –  Via E. De Amicis 6/10  –  16122 Genova  –  Tel. +39 010 5956633  –  email:

C.F. e P.IVA: 03819290101  –  Cod. univoco: USAL8PV  –  pec: