About us
IA Industria Ambiente has four partners who are all graduates in Chemistry. All partners have an extensive experience in the environmental field.
The company’s partners are as follows:
Stelio is a chemical engineer. For several years he was a Full Professor at and Director of the Department of Industrial Chemistry at the University of Genoa.
He has worked in the field of industrial chemistry and environmental problems for over 40 years, acting as a consultant for the largest Italian industrial companies including, for example, Montedison, Enichem, Agip, ERG, ILVA, AST, Fintecna, IP. He has also provided consultancy services for various public authorities (European Community, Ministry of the Environment, Municipality of Milan, Regional government of Liguria, Provincial administration and Municipality of Genova).
He has a vast and long experience in all aspects regarding chemical processes, treatment of wastewater and atmospheric emissions, remediation and recovery of contaminated sites, environmental impact assessment and in any aspects related to the presence of chemicals in the various environmental matrices.
In 1978 Eugenio graduated in Chemistry from the University of Genoa. In 1983 he obtained a diploma with a specialization in Hygiene – Public Health Laboratory.
For over 30 years, Eugenio has worked on issues regarding health and safety in the workplace, analysis of the life cycle of products and waste management as well as on aspects related to the remediation of contaminated sites.
Over the past 10 years he has overseen as project manager the remediation of numerous contaminated sites, in Italy and abroad, and has coordinated about twenty Environmental Impact Assessments and Strategic Environmental Assessments (EIA / SEA). At the former industrial site of ACNA in Cengio, Eugenio as Executor (Soggetto Attuatore) oversaw the remediation activities.
Until 2006 he served as a professor of “Fundamentals of Environmental Impact Assessment” at the Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Genoa.
Tomaso is a chemical engineer who, in 1995, graduated from the University of Genoa.
For over 20 years he has worked on issues related to the management, treatment and disposal of waste and the remediation of contaminated sites.
Tomaso has an excellent knowledge of national and european environmental legislation. He frequently participates as a Technical Consultant in legal proceedings related to any kind of problem regarding chemistry and the environment.
He has an extensive experience pertaining to the management of waste and hazardous substances and is an expert on issues related to the implementation of the REACH and CLP Regulations (Registration, Authorization, Labeling of Chemicals).
Tomaso was an advisor and vice-president of the National Council of Chemists for several years.
He has been teaching a “Waste Management” course at the University of Genoa since 2007.
Alessandro is a chemical engineer who, in 1996, graduated from the University of Genoa.
He has over 20 years experience dealing with environmental issues related to the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites and to the treatment of industrial/municipal wastewater.
Alessandro is an expert in site-specific risk analysis (ASTM RBCA) and in environmental modeling necessary for studying the diffusion of contaminants in the subsurface, in the groundwater and in the atmosphere.
With regard to the REACH Regulation, Alessandro has specialized in Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA), with particular reference to the estimation of risk in different exposure scenarios defined for workers, consumers and for the environment (with the ECETOC TRA software).
He has developed various mathematical models (with MS Excel Macro language and html/javascript) for the design of wastewater treatment plants and for the procedure of site-specific risk assessment.
Alessandro is the co-author of the Risk-net 3 Pro software, developed together with Iason Verginelli for Reconnet.
Currently, Alessandro is the President of the Ligurian Council of Chemists.
I.A. Industria Ambiente S.r.l. – Via E. De Amicis 6/10 – 16122 Genova – Tel. +39 010 5956633 – email: ia@industriaambiente.it
C.F. e P.IVA: 03819290101 – Cod. univoco: USAL8PV – pec: ia@pec.industriaambiente.it